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欢迎来到 Python 101!


Learning the Basics

  • Chapter 1 - IDLE 编程
  • Chapter 2 - 字符串
  • Chapter 3 - 列表、元组、字典
  • Chapter 4 - 条件语句
  • Chapter 5 - 循环语句
  • Chapter 6 - Python Comprehensions
  • Chapter 7 - 异常处理
  • Chapter 8 - 文件处理
  • Chapter 9 - 导包
  • Chapter 10 - 函数
  • Chapter 11 - 类


Learning from the Library

  • Chapter 12 - Introspection
  • Chapter 13 - csv模块
  • Chapter 14 - configparser模块
  • Chapter 15 - 日志模块
  • Chapter 16 - os模块
  • Chapter 17 - 邮件模块
  • Chapter 18 - sqlite模块
  • Chapter 19 - subprocess模块
  • Chapter 20 - sys模块
  • Chapter 21 - 多线程模块
  • Chapter 22 - 日期时间模块
  • Chapter 23 - xml模块


Intermediate Odds and Ends

  • Chapter 24 - 调试
  • Chapter 25 - 装饰器
  • Chapter 26 - 匿名函数
  • Chapter 27 - Code Profiling
  • Chapter 28 - 测试


Tips, Tricks and Tutorials

  • Chapter 29 - Installing Packages
  • Chapter 30 - ConfigObj
  • Chapter 31 - 使用lxml解析XML
  • Chapter 32 - 代码分析
  • Chapter 33 - requests包
  • Chapter 34 - SQLAlchemy包
  • Chapter 35 - virtualenv包


Packaging and Distribution

  • Chapter 36 - Creating Modules and Packages
  • Chapter 37 - How to Add Your Code to PyPI
  • Chapter 38 - The Python egg
  • Chapter 39 - Python wheels
  • Chapter 40 - py2exe
  • Chapter 41 - bbfreeze
  • Chapter 42 - cx_Freeze
  • Chapter 43 - PyInstaller
  • Chapter 44 - Creating an Installer


Python101 v1.0 By Michael Driscoll